Pokemon Guide B2K, forums, gaming, born, to, kill, born2kill, b2kgamers, b2kgaming, b2k-gamers, b2k-gaming - -[B2K] (2024)

Official Pokemon Guide
By: Dead Man

Did I help you in anyway? If yes than please thank this post? Thanks for those people that really appreciate this.

Pokemon Explanation:
--Players choose a starting pokemon, gain experience, and catch new pokemon. As players level up their pokemon, that pokemon's skill will become more deadly. If a pokemon manages to evolve into another pokemon, the new pokemon will have a new skill plus its predecessors. However, players are limited to using a single pokemon at one time, but can have a 'party' that they can switch with on the fly with the command /go. Some pokemon are designated as 'global' pokemon, and as long as they are in your party, their skill will work as well.
--Also Players get automatically 3 Random Free Level 50 Pokemon
--Additionally with PokeMod there is a 'PokeRank' system, where players gain points every time they level up their pokemon. This can become competitive as there are defaulted 11 types of pokeranks, starting from Pokemon Finatic and working to Legendary Guru. On top of these individual ranks, there is also a server rank. If you have the top pokerank in the entire server, you will be designated as the Pokemon Master, and the next four highest are part of the Elite Four.
--Another feature in PokeMod is the 'Wild' and 'Trainer' mode. Players are defaulted to trainers, but can switch by saying /wild. In Wild mode, they will be assigned a random pokemon with a random experience. Wild pokemon gain experience twice as fast as trainers, but once you die, you become a new pokemon.
--Not commonly used in PokeMod is the 'Safari' mode. This mode allows players to choose any pokemon that the server has enabled for Safari mode. There is no experience gain and players are able to change pokemon freely. Pokemon can either be disabled, admin only, or set to a level.

*** Menu Commands You Can Use ***
/pokefight - Opens a menu asking if you want to have a Pokemon Skill fight Only "No Weapons At All"
/pd menu - brings up a Pokemon Dollar menu from where you can buy XP and Pokemon
/rankshop - brings up a Pokemon Menu from where you can buy Pokemon with PokeRank
Other Commands to Open Rank Shop: /pokerankshop || /rank shop || /rs

*** Pokemon Rules & Server Rules ***
/rules - Opens a Motd Showing what the Pokemon and Server rules are

*** Pokemon Commands ***
/pokecommands - shows complete list of commands in pokecommand
/pokehelp - shows basic information about PokeMod
/save - saves your PokeMod data (unless saving is off or safari mode is on)
/pokedex poke - shows information about the pokemon specified (ex. '/pokedex 1' or '/pokedex bulbasaur')
/pokemenu - shows PokeMod menu if you're dead or close to a Prof. Oak
/pokehud up/down - moves the PokeMod HUD up or down (ex. '/pokehud up' or '/pokehud down')
/playerspokes - shows everyones pokemon
/pokemart item amount - buys the amount of the item
/pokeitem item - view information about the item
/go - shows menu to select your active pokemon
/mypokes - shows the pokemon in your party
/switch poke1 poke2 - switches pokemon with another
/release poke - attempts to release a pokemon into the wild
/give player pokemon/item - gives your pokemon/item to player (ex. '/give Emp pikachu' or '/give Emp potion')
/wild - become a random wild pokemon
/trainer - become a trainer
/pokerank - view players pokeranks

*** Player Pokemon Bind Console Commands ***
-bind <key> +pokesskill
+pokeskill - uses your current skill

bind <key> +pokesskill#
+pokeskill# - uses this skill without having to go through the menu ( +pokeskill1, +pokeskill2, etc. )

bind <key> +pokeitem
+pokeitem - shows menu of your current items

Replace <key> with any letter or number Ex: a, b, or 3, 5

There are two ways to get pokemon.
1. Go to the enemy base and walk over a pokeball.
2. Buy a poke ball, great ball, or ultra ball || To buy type : buy poke || buy great || or buy ult
*After you buy one go kill an enemy if his pokemon is low level than you well have a pretty good chance of catching it

Tip for Catching Pokemon:
On 35hp_2, when you have an ultra ball, have somebody go in front of you, and weaken the enemy, then go in for the kill. Of course, this might take a few tries, but it's a great way to start out.

What is Cooldown?:
Cooldown time is the time it takes for your pokeskill to come back. After using a pokeskill, you may have to wait to use the pokeskill again. Here is a very good strategy to lower this cooldown time. Keep the pokemon venusaur and parasect in your party. This should lower cooldown time to 3 seconds off per second.

What is a Global pokemon / Passive pokemon?:
A global pokemon is a pokemon that does not have to be out to have it's passive effect. As long as it's in your party, the passive effect will be there.
All global pokemon / Passive pokemon are:

RED = POKEMON NAME || LightBlue = Pokemon Skill Name

Electabuzz - (Flash)
Electrode - (Flash)
Tentacruel - (Constrict)
Dratini - (Thunder wave)
Dragonite - (Thunder wave)
Magneton - (Thunder wave)
Vaporeon - (Haze)
Aerodactyl - (Agility)
Oddish - (Absorb)
Tangela - (Absorb)
Ledyba - (Absorb)
Yanma - (Absorb)
Shelgon - (Double_Edge)
Igglybuff - (Double_Edge)
Metang - (Double_Edge)
Doduo - (Double_Edge)
Dodrio - (Tri_Attack)
Togepi - (Tri_Attack)
Yooterii - (Tri_Attack)
Hoiiga - (Acid_Armor)
Ivysaur - (Growth)
Parasect - (Growth)
Geodude - (Defense_Curl)
Marill - (Defense_Curl)
Wobbuffet - (Defense_Curl)
Aron - (Defense_Curl)
Arbok - (Vice_Grip)
Krabby - (Vice_Grip)
Corphish - (Vice_Grip)
Voltorb - (Explosion)
Forretress - (Explosion)
Pupitar - (Explosion)
Aaken - (Explosion)
Daburan - (Explosion)
Tesshiido - (Explosion)
Exeggute - (Barrage)
Magnezone - (Barrage)
Horsea - (Bubble)
Omanyte - (Withdraw)
Spinarak - (Bug_Bite)
Kurumiru - (Bug_Bite)
Chobomaki - (Bug_Bite)
Meraruba - (Bug_Bite)
Ariados - (Spider_Web)
Ishizumai - (Spider_Web)
Kapurumo - (Spider_Web)
Aianto - (Spider_Web)
Corsola - (Calm_Mind)
Darumakka - (Calm_Mind)
Donphan - (Rapid_Spin)
Grovyle - (Rapid_Spin)
Miltank - (Heal_Bell)
Ho - Oh - (Sacred_Fire)
Masquerain - (Overheat)
Magmar - (Overheat)
Kuitaran - (Overheat)
Regirock - (Boom)
Koburuon - (Boom)
Registeel - (Focus_Punch)
Jirachi - (Healing_Wish)
Carnivine - (Magical_Leaf)
Kirlia - (Magical_Leaf)
Cherrim - (Magical_Leaf)
Leafeon - (Magical_Leaf)
Shinpora - (Magical_Leaf)
Togekiss - (Sweet_Kiss)
Azelf - (Psywave)
Heatran - (Inferno_Shield)
Cresselia - (Stealth)
Muurando - (Focus_Energy)
Tangrowth - (Focus_Energy)
Borutosoru - (Guard_Swap)
Randorosu - (Inner_Strenght)
Insekuta - (Status_Shock)
JR.Stalker - (Razor_Winds)
Stalker - (String_Shot)
Ultra.Stalker - (Stalker_Speed)
Razor_Noob - (Razor_Noob)

What is a Touch Pokemon?:
A touch pokemon is a pokemon that does damage when you have physical contact with a player. These type of pokemon are not allowed on knife only maps or small maps.
Some touch pokemon are:
Machop - (Karate_Chop)
Machoke - (Low_Kick)
Machamp - (Seismic_Toss)
Mankey - (Low_Kick)
Primape - (Thrash)
Kangaskhan - (Dizzy_Punch)
Cleffa - (Double_Slap)
Clefairy - (Submission)
Clefable - (Take_Down)
Poliwag - (Double_Slap)
Poliwrath - (Skullbash)
Hitmonlee - (Mega_Kick)
Hitmonchan - (Mega_Punch)

What is a Beam pokemon?:
A beam pokemon is a pokemon that shoots a beam out with pokeskill. The use of these are limited on some knife maps. If there is some sort of bridge on that map, there is no beaming from, to, or on bridge.
Some Beam pokemon are:
Lapras - (Confuse_Ray)
Golbat - (Confuse_Ray)
Banette - (Confuse_Ray)
Metagross - (Confuse_Ray)
Bronzong - (Confuse_Ray)
Dusknoir - (Confuse_Ray)
Musharana - (Confuse_Ray)
Oobemu - (Confuse_Ray)
Jiheddo - (Confuse_Ray)
Dragonite - (Hyper_Beam)
Dustox - (Hyper_Beam)
Flygon - (Hyper_Beam)
Miruhog - (Hyper_Beam)
Roopushin - (Hyper_Beam)
Rankurusu - (Hyper_Beam)
Nattorei - (Hyper_Beam)
Venusaur - (Solar_Beam)
Exeggutor - (Solar_Beam)
Meganium - (Solar_Beam)
Sunflora - (Solar_Beam)
Shiftry - (Solar_Beam)
Torterra - (Solar_Beam)
Jalorda - (Solar_Beam)
Hahakurimo - (Solar_Beam)
Pendoraa - (Solar_Beam)
Basurao - (Solar_Beam)
Glaceon - (Aurora_Beam)
Kumashun - (Aurora_Beam)
Seel - (Aurora_Beam)
Dewgong - (Ice_Beam)
Glalie - (Ice_Beam)
Walrein - (Ice_Beam)
Abomasnow - (Ice_Beam)
Baibanira - (Ice_Beam)
Furikio - (Ice_Beam)
Poliwhirl - (Water_Gun)
Seadra - (Water_Gun)
Politoed - (Water_Gun)
Mudkip - (Water_Gun)
Remoraid - (Water_Gun)
Wingull - (Water_Gun)
Lotad - (Water_Gun)
Wooper - (Water_Gun)
Wailmer - (Water_Gun)
Mijumaru - (Water_Gun)
Pururiru - (Water_Gun)
Luvdisc - (Water_Gun)
Clamperl - (Water_Gun)
Squirtle - (Bubblebeam)
Wartortle - (Water_Gun)
Blastoise - (Hydro_Pump)
Swampert - (Hydro_Pump)
Ludicolo - (Hydro_Pump)
Empoleon - (Hydro_Pump)
Daikenki - (Hydro_Pump)
Hiyakki - (Hydro_Pump)
Gamageroge - (Hydro_Pump)
Abagoora - (Hydro_Pump)
Mamanbou - (Hydro_Pump)
Muk - (Poison_Beam)
Drapion - (Poison_Beam)
Dasutodasu - (Poison_Beam)
Gengar - (Shadow_Beam)
Umbreon - (Shadow_Beam)
Dusclops - (Shadow_Beam)
Drifloon - (Shadow_Beam)
Lepardas - (Shadow_Beam)
Zuruggu - (Shadow_Beam)
Desukan - (Shadow_Beam)
Raikou - (Charge_Beam)
Lugia - (Aeroblast)
Virizion - (Bug_Beam)

What is a Fire pokemon:?
A fire pokemon is a pokemon that has a fire type move, and may burn the opponent. These are not allowed on knife maps.
Some fire pokemon are:
Arcanine - (Flamethrower)
Typhlosion - (Flamethrower)
Chaoboo - (Flamethrower)
Urugamosu - (Flamethrower)
Moltres - (Sky_Attack)
Ninetales - (Ember)
Quilava - (Ember)
Mightyena - (Ember)
Monferno - (Ember)
Flareon - (Fire_Spin)
Charizard - (Fire_Blast)
Infernape - (Fire_Blast)
Boappu - (Fire_Blast)
Enbuoh - (Fire_Punch)
Tyrogue - (Fire_Punch)
Ho - Oh - (Sacred_Fire)
Combusken - (Flash_Fire)
Pokabu - (Flash_Fire)
Reshiram - (Fire_Beam)
Salamence - (Dragon_Breathe)
Garchomp - (Dragon_Breathe)
Ononokusu - (Dragon_Breathe)
Sazando - (Dragon_Breathe)
Magcargo - (Flare_Blitz)
Magmortar - (Flare_Blitz)
Boakki - (Flare_Blitz)
Torkoal - (Fireball)
Solrock - (Fireball)
Groudon - (Fire_Wave)
Victini - (Dark_Fire_Beam)
Heatran - (Inferno_Shield)

What is a Grenade Pokemon?:
A grenade pokemon is a pokemon that can use it's pokeskill (passive or not,) to obtain a grenade. You are limited to 4 grenades at max.
The grenade pokemon are:
Yabakuron - (Egg_Bomb)
Exeggcute / Exeggcutor - (Barrage)
Magnezone - (Barrage)

Note: Some Pokemons May Still Be Missing but I took allot of time fixing this up for you guys so please appreciate my Effort. =) Also you guys can post here anything that needs to be fix or added.

Pokemon Guide B2K, forums, gaming, born, to, kill, born2kill, b2kgamers, b2kgaming, b2k-gamers, b2k-gaming  - -[B2K] (2024)
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