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SENTENCE SERMON High school graduation tonight with Dr John HUI Nashville Tenn bringing the address Lovers of truth and youth be there! Ed Bradley HNW $20 TO $100 CUTTING Sco salutes tAftUie THE DAILY NEWS TEAHUiO OH MUTILATING Ol HEWS PAiTEs'O't prJT'WAES BltlIGIliG TO PUBLIC UBPAHX CHtntae IRUJl QLU I GLASGOW KENTUCKY VOLUME 41 NUMBER 28 A Good Newspaper or A Great Community RIDAY MAY 22 1942 Buy War Bondi fvtry Pay Day lot's Double Our Quota SINGLE COPY 3 CENTS MmLsSOvlS By (Bosko) LAWTON This morning at 6 the temperature was 53 degrees and last night at midnight the mer cury stood at 62 degrees Gener ally these synthetic winters wait for Saturday and Sunday but it appears this week it might warm up for Saturday and Sunday in stead! Yesterday the Daily News and several other people received cables from the boys stationed formerly at Camp Hulen that they were overseas After the signature in each case was the letters run together and it had the general public baf fled until one local man volun teered it might i mean United States North Ireland which is plausible despite the fact the cables came from Lon don German Reserves Check Russians At Kharkov British General Says orces May See Action Soon German reserves have check ed the Red advance at Kharkov but the offensive is still devel oping satisfactorily Moscow reported today A German counter attack has been thrown back with the Germans suffer ing heavy losses the report stat ed Tank action on the Kharkov front has dwindled the Rus sians reported United States forces in Great Britain will get a chance to fight soon was the opinion of a British general who inspected 8 units today Hawaiian Volcano Stages Show for Army jt Tv Spewing fire high into air as thousands of tons of red hot lava poured from its crater Mauna Loa largest Hawaiian volcano stages spectacular 22 day eruption Army bombers blasted lava river diverting it to desert when Hilo was threatened Glasgow Seniors Wil! Be Awarded Diplomas Tonight Dr John Hill Will Deliver Commencement Address irty five seniors of the Glas gow High School will receive their diplomas at commenceM'eiTl exercises at the Music to night at 8 Dr John Hill of NaMville nationally known radio SWiday School teacher will the commencement address Ruth Bridges' is valedicflBan of the 1942 class She iSLe daughter of Mr and MrsjflHBf Bridges of route one torian is Alyce ChambwBBi daughter of Mrs Lou lain of route two A class of 25 white men and Graduates Listed BARREN COUNTY BOYS IN IRELAND ENGLAND Some boys from Glasgow and Barren County are sta I tioned in Ireland and others are in England according to messages which have been re ceived by relatives here All the messages were brief One showed plainly that it was from Ireland Another indicated England It is be lieved here that some of the boys landed in Ireland and that others went on to Eng land probably to get first hand training It is quite evident that the local boys were in that larg est convoy since World War I days the arrival of which was reported several days ago Thirty six Men Complete irst Aid Course Here Captains Named or USO Drive InCountv the Campaign Will Start June Department yes 1st To Raise $3000: Niemeier Chairman and! offi Gll Alaska If China Redford was Marines Have Landed Again i 1 What Would Plato Say? of a merchant in the Gulf of MAN INED ON DRUNK CHARGE ARMY NAVY GOL MATCH SET SUNDAY having A Bern An Army Navy golf match will be held at the Glasgow Country Club Sunday afternoon It will be followed by a barbe cue The match was scheduled last Sunday but was postponed Yesterday in a Harlan court room the nephew of a murder ed man shot and killed the man accused of the crime The jury retired and brought in a death verdict as the prisoner and the nephew of the first vic tim who took the law in his hands in a wasted gesture is now for the and will probably make hum himself! A child health conference for colored children will be held Monday at the Colored Meth odist Church on Brown Street It will open at 1:30 The conference is being held by the Barren County Health Department Children between the ages of six months and six years will be examined Remarked to a man yester day that the rear tire on his car was about half flat so he got out and put a little more air in it It developed three very ex plosive knots and he depressed one of them with his thumb and it was as soft as a mellow June apple Said lie he gotto inner liner to home and I I better get there and get it in that there tire while I still got a It did seem like a good idea if he could just get home intact A high official in Washing ton said yesterday for us not to get too optimistic for the war will be a long one He said: may end sooner than we expect but the chances are it will be a Jong A woman in Adrian Mich has a sugar allowance card of Impounds of sugar a month for her polly parrot Polly demands (Continued on Page 4) MARRIAGE LICENSE A marriage license was issued here yesterday to Noah Old ham Cave City and Grace Bethel Mammoth Cave color ed Oldham is in the Army Patter Hershel Law Moore was stationed on 20 miles from Ther is a movement afoot to deduct 10 percent of wages from pay envelope to partially pay the income tax due in March It is admitted that the reduction will not pay all income tax but will re duce the staggering total so that it fall on oneallatonce I never havebeen able to un derstand the income tax in its entirety but I gather a single man making a 11000 will pay a 12 surtax 'on all he learns over $500 and then a 10 earned Income is deducted which is $100 and then he pays 6 on the balance It probably will be changed to however be fore it is passed ancy a 10 percent deduction for income tax a 10 percent deduction for war bonds social security and old age unemployment an oc casional Red Cross Drive a Drive now on increased: taxes you know sometimes I think the govern ment is borrowing trouble when they worry about whether they should cut down' our buying power They need the money and going to let them have it and gladly but why pretend it is for anything else but for the Sewing Room Officers Named tlon chairman They will be as follows: Mrs Gordon Brown Mrs Morris Mrs Neumeis ter Thursday Mrs William Bradford Mrs Carl Hot weather wears out tires twice as fast as cold weather the rubber Manufacturers As sociation said It have noticed that phenomena for tires on my car that apparently show a bit of wear all winter just naturally fade away in the summer If the gas rationing comes in July that will slow us down to a and incum bent tires will last and last un til dry rot gets them! Clyde Strange 24 City fined $20 on a public drunk charge in city court this morn ing He was arrested in the Program bet At Union No 1 Red Cross sewing room cers of the day for next week were announced today by Mrs Delas Crow son of Mr and Mrs Grant Crow of Temple Hill has been reported by the War Department His par ents received a wire to this ef fect from the terday Young Crow a ship about Manila Philippine Islands when his parents last heard from him He volunteered for Army service some time tgo i Temple Hill Boy Reported it was announced today The program will be as fol lows: Community singing Prayer by Jake Goodman Memorial ser mon by Rev Rigdon Sing ing Benediction by Sim mons Members of the committee in charge are Grace Simmons Ver neal Williams and Mrs William Russell i SEVERAL CASES IN COUNTY COURT A number of cases were sched tiled for trial In county this afternoon i 11 colored most of them civil ian defense workers completed the standard course in first aid at the Masonic Building here last night and will receive certi ficates from Red Cross head quarters in Washington The class was taught by Jam es Bryant James Rogers Waldo Redman and Myers White men in the class were William Bradford Brown Evans George ord Grinstead Honeycutt Sam Morford Renfro John Richey Tulloh Wal bert Chamberlin Veachel Combs James Downing Garnett Goodman Sr Arlie Hope Clyde Lawrence Preston Carroll Ream Thomas Jimmy Tulloh Wade Joe Wells and Webb Colored men completing the course were Edward Bransford Colbert Depp John Glover Donald Hudgins Richard Sewell Ernest Weaver Thomas Williams William Bransford red Haynie Jr Ansil Richard son and James Wade Mrs Richard Kadel received word this morning from the War Department that Major Richard Kadel who had been serv ing on the Philippine Islands at the time of the final surrender was considered in ac The letter which was from the Adjutant General Stated that as soon as prisoner lists were received by the War De partment Mrs Kadel would be notified I 1 i ft a Health Conference Scheduled Monday A Memorial Day program will hp Grivnn at Union No 1 on Mav 30 beginning at 2:30 pm (CWT) Glasgow captains with helpers laKen irom civilian aeiense regis tration rolls captains listed first: Glasgow Workers Listed Precinct Nd Mrs Joel lenwater Mrs Siegfried' Gammill Mrs Bland Mrs Rupert Devasher No 2 Joe Trabue Myers Jr Joe William Aspley No Rev McCorkle I Wood Glen Ropp No Hugh Abell William Bradford James Arnold No 5 Mrs Wilma Simmons Mrs Rollin Shaw Mrs Bruce Aspley No 6 Terry Hatchett Pedigo A Ely No 7 Latimer Ed Caldwell Emanuel Lapidus No Mrs Neilly Mrs Nelson Nuckols Mrs Richard Kadel No 9 Siegfried Rev A Sykes Batchelor County Captains Listed Captains in the county or ganization are as follows: Roseville Marion Mosby Etoile Jones Austin Clevis Lowe Dry ork Edmond Thomason Bush Temple Hill David Montgom ery Harry Davis Nobob Horace Smith Eighty Leo Gentry Slick Rock James Glover Coral Mrs Arthur Alexander Goodnight Mrs Allen Wilson Hisevillle Depp Jr Merry Oaks Buford son Bon Mrs Gray Coles rence Rocky Hill Ed Mrs Maxie Hawks Lu cas Harry Bunch A erguson 1 Cave Wood ord Park Sam Crump i Captains for Glasgow Barren County in the drive for funds for the Sj were an nouncea toUjfyD Niemeier county chairmaw The county quota is $3000 I Niemeier sai dthe campaign would start June 1 and continue about a week A meeting of captains will be held at the court house next Thursday at 3 Ross voluntary produc The following is the list of Italy Claims Sub Sank Ship Italy today claimed that one of her submarines had sunk a battleship of the Maryland class off the coast of Brazil There was no confirmation of the report either from or Brazil Germany was still trouble in Yugoslavia report said 200000 soldiers of Yugoslavia had recently joined forces with the guerilla group which has been systematically wiping out German garrisons (L Subs Score In Pacific submarines nave sunk a 7100 ton Jap cruiser and two merchant ships in the far Paci fie it was officially announced today Allied fliers knocked lvl6IYI0lial Day down 14 Jap planes in a raid on a Jap base north of Australia headquarters re ported today The Jap drive in east China continued today Planes are 1 supporting the attack and at least 125000 troops are being used observers said This new move is believed to be a major endeavor to knock out China A Washington official in urging immediate Allied aid for China 1 said the Japs will probably at tack Russia or falls The captain ship torpedoed Mexico told officials at New Or 1 leans that he believed the captain had full information concerning his vessel 27 VessseLs Launched 1 Twenty seven new vessels were launched' in the today in celebration of National Maritime Day President Roosevelt toddy warned that the war would be a long one and cautioned citizens court house yard yesterday after against being too optimistic noon Kadel Reported In ML rt Hk a Mm wLj mr BH wWUE J' M' I 4 I If vs wUa kte lMt tat ML' 3 kJ ir 'Y I wlr CW swtifttam Jfcx MlBiMb7aetrcM aaA'Wdel Ml The list of those who will re ceive diplomas tonight follows: Ruth Bridges Mary Kather ine Brownfield Annie Pearl Bur ris Alyce Chamberlain Wilma Coffey Ruby Nell Colter Har riet Combs Mildred DeWeese Ora Ann ant Marjorie low ers Leola roedge Opal roedge Maxie Greenup Sara rances Hoover Maurie Hunley Mildred Phyllis Jones Nell Neeley Earl ine Poynter Mollie Jewell Ren fro Hazel Riley Lou Russell Rogers Barbara Sears Mildred Steenbergen Anna Margaret Stout Ruth Traylor Martha Wood Madelle Young Milton Barrick Charles Ulen Bradshaw rankiin tfraerJcjijr James Burris Charles Bybee Bayard Christian Eugene Ellis Joe Garmon Reid John Harlan Clarence Hatchett Alvin Mar tin Carl Martin Leslie Billy Smith rank St Charles Kelly Walker Charles Weaver Scouts And Cubs Ready To Start Scrap Collection Glasgow Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are now ready to con tinue collection of waste paper rags scrap metal and rubber it was announced today irst collections will be made tomor row Anyone having any of the above may call or notify any of the Scouts or Cubs and it will be picked up an official said today He said the Scouts needed sev eral large size coaster wagons to use in the collection Scouts listed The following is a list of Scouts: Willard Tinsley Broadway Loren Tharp Cleveland Court ney Jackson Race Jimmy Sim mons Tommy Simmons and John Douglas Stevens Cleve land Douglass Schumacher Main Joe Donald Taylor West Cherry Charley Coffey Leslie Billy Dougherty Cleveland Sonny Niemeier Liberty Billy Payne Washington Sammy Sears Cleveland Rol lin Shaw Green Billy Oliver Race Arthur Coombs Lewis John Simmons Cherry Bobby Ross Race reddy Hayes Garmon Jimmy Tulloh Mitchell Billy Pedigo Tom Woods Richardson Billy Stan ton Cubs Listed The following is a list of Cubs: William Greer College Pow ell Gillenwater Green Leroy Moon Green Leslie Neumeister Race Joe Richards Green Kenneth McDaniel Green Billy George Evans St Court Johnny Richardson Trigg Court Albert Edward Blanken ship Grandview Harold Arter burn Columbia Tommy Hens gen Liberty Arthur Brooks ranklin Pat Hunger ront Carol Holmes Race Bernard Biggers Main Bobby Biggers Main Jerry Buchanon.
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