The Frankfort Commonwealth from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)

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The Frankfort Commonwealthi

Frankfort, Kentucky

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COM MON WE ALTH IT Tt A jq RIDAY JUNE 28 1867 Union State Ticket STATE NOMINATIONS OR GOVERNOR Col Sidney Barnes Of Pulaski County OR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IR ZBaker Of Campbell County OR ATTORNEY GENERAL Col IMZason Brown Of ranklin County OR AUDITOR Col Silas Adams Of Casey County 4 OR TREASURER 4 Capt NT Of Muhlenburg County OR REGISTER LAND OICE Capt Al idler Of Marion County OR SUP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION TDaniel Stevdnspn9 Of ranklin County To the Loyal Men of Kentucky There are times in the history of Nations States and communities as well as that of private individuals when such dangers im pend over them that every upright citizen should surrender for the time all other or less vital interests and bend every energy and make every effort for the overthrow of those perils and the defeat of those unhal lowed schemes which betoken destruction to the dearest rights and most cherished im munities of the freeman ust such a crisis is to day upon the loyal men of Kentucky who believed that Seces sion was Treason and Treason a nefa rious Crime and who up held the Gov ernment as it struggled through the terrible throes of the most gigantic rebellion which has shaken the earth and blocked the path way of Civil Progress and a Christian Civil ization for centuries Rebellion having been overwhelmed in the stern contest of battle has gathered its forces and sharpen ed its malice and recuperated its broken spirits by large draughts upon the disloyal elements of Kentucky and by importations of rebel elements from other States and we have to day the wonderful paradox of a State that was loyal and a people whose sons fought and fell in the ranks of the army to all appearances upon the eve of being handed over to the power and control of the very men who were the bitterest and most unrelenting enemies of the Government du ring the fearful period of its trial Loyal men of Kentucky! Is it to be tol erated that John Helm fresh from the embattled heights of Bowling Green fresh from the welcoming embraces of rebellious leaders fresh from his move upon Green River when loyal Ken tuckians marched down to expel treason from our soil with the breath not dead up on his lips which uttered hope for the and heaped abuse and revilings upon the Government of the United States with no fealty to it in his heart to day with scorn and hatred for our soldiers and our statesmen with words of justification for the rebellion with spurious pleasand long drawn arguments in its with praise only for those who embarked in it and no memory for the dead Kentuckians who that the land might is it to be tolerated that such as he should be elevated to the highest office in the State to rule and lord it over the men who saved the Repub lic from dissolution and rescued it from the bloody fangs of himself and his in When Whitaker and Ward and Wood and Crittenden and Barnes and Brown and their compatriots opened their bosoms to the hail of death where then was John Helm When Popes and Dudley' and orman and Jackson and McKee and other brave Ken tuckians offered their heroic lives as bloody sacrifices on the altars of a rebellious war where then was John Helm? And where were his companions of the present Rebel Democratic State ticket? When Kentuckians raised their voices and wielded their swords upon the side of the Government upon which side in the fearful conflict did these men cast the weight of their influence Who ever heard from one of them a hope for the success of the Na tional arms or a word of sympathy or of admiration for the heroic deeds of the pa triots who step to theamusic of the or whom did they babble and argufy and offer up their impotent prayers Whose peans do they sing to day What word of approval or of commendation have they ever given to the action of a ederal soldier or the cause of the ederal Govern ment? What is the burden of their daily song? Upon whose heads do exhaust the vile vocabulary of abuse and malevolence? Are they fit leaders for a loyal State Are true and competent Governors and other State officers molded from such clay as this to preside over a people who true allegiance bear to their Government Loyal men of Kentucky Patriot vete rans of the war! Rouse ye in all your strength Rally around the old lag 1 It is the cry of slaughtered justice it is the claim of stricken loyalty which calls trump et tongued to all the manhood in your hearts Bootless have all your sufferings been bit ter mockeries your triumphs false and futile all your sacrifices withered your garlands and dust your hopes if this is to be the crowning result of the machinations of the enemies of our Government You will? dishonor every pledge of the past deface every deed of glory disgrace the memory the comrades who died in their harness by your sides tarnish the lustre which victory gave to your arms and at tach imperishable infamy to the dead heroes whose graves are on every battle slope and gory height and scarred valley in the land if you do not meet this impending peril with the same unbroken phalanx which has so often borne your resistless sweep across the fiercest fought fields "Let no side issues no fictitious logic seduce you from the path the plain and open path which honor and duty so unmistakably exhibit The question which most nearly concerns us is strictly a State question i It is practically the same one which arrayed us in the ranks of the Government six years ago National partizan politics have but little to do with it It is eminently an issue of local politics It is the old issue of loyal ty or disloyalty resolved into the sequent one as to whether the one or the other was right and honorable as to whether Treason and Secession are to be rendered estimable or Loyalty and Patriotism are still to be held as high and holy virtues in Kentucky We need not be sensitive upon the subject of terms In times like this we can afford to call things bravely by their right names The ticket which is headed by John Helm is a disloyal one its elements are treasonable and there is the bloody scent of rebellion upon the party which sustains it In its ranks to be sure are some who played of loyalty for a time and some who even served for a short season in' the National army But these men have either been se duced and deceived or else have proven recreant to their pledges and their principles and have craven like cast themselves into the current which they believed to be setting in that direction Either they have been be fogged upon one hand by the guileful strategy of our enemies or else have followed the bent of their own cold calculation and self ish policy We have no tears to shed over their defection rom all such allies grant us always swift deliverance But there are thousands and tens of thou sands of voters in this State who are only separated by the petty distinction of a name and who are really united in the cherishment of a common purpose if they but understood each other Upon the common platform cf opposition determined and steadfast to the plans and projects of the Rebel Democracy they can meet and' harmonize and march cheerily and boldly on to victory To the winds then with our differences and let us act unitedly and wisely against the common Applicable now as then A year ago before the blandishments and seductive arts of the Rebel Democracy led astrayand prostitued the unsuspecting Lou isville Journal from its pedestal of allegiance to the Union and the Government that pa per made a brief statement of the principles at issue in the Jthen political canvass and the duty of Union men in the premises That article is peculiarly applicable at this time and we insert it with our endorsement and adoption Said the loyal Journal: secessionists are boldly asserting as they have done for some time past that they will carry the State in the approaching Au gust election They hold that Kentucky not withstanding her noble support of the Gov ernment was at heart in favor of the rebellion during the recent war but that the people were not permitted freely to express them selves to that effect Now that the war is over and the expatriation law' has been re pealed they feel that the opportunity has come ty fully test the secession strength This is the real issue now before the people of Kentucky The secessionists will assert the contrary and labor to disguise the fact while the can vass is in progress but should they achieve a victory at the polls they will shout over it as triumph of rebel sentiments The Un ion men of Kentucky we rejoice to say are waking up to a full sense of the contest they ought to have been aroused months ago and now they must work with a daily increasing energy to save the State from rebel rule Let them cast aside the obso lete differences that have divided them heretofore let them make friends over the issues of the past and stand with unbroken front against the scheme of these' new born leaders Secession Breckinridge Democracy tried its hand in war and failed It cannot be trusted now with the political affairs of The Desecration of Gen Grave The Louisville Courier has not one word of censure for the miscreants who desecrated Gen grave cut down and demol ished the beautiful flag staff and destroyed the flag which the Government had erected to the memory of the noble patriot and gal lant hero It thinks the outrage was merely interference with the an of disturbing the Such language but encourages the miscreants for further out rage rom the Thirty eighth Senatorial Dis trie Editor rankfort Commonwealth At a Convention of the Union party held in London Laurel county Ken tucky on the 22d day of June 1867 for the purpose of nominating a candidate for State Senator for the Thirty eighth District Hon GILLIS was called to the Chair and in a brief speech explained the object of the Convention Cook and Syler were appointed Secretaries On motion of Boyd a committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions who report ed the following which were unanimously adopted viz: Resolved That we endorse and approve the plat form of the Union party of the State of Kentucky as adopted in Convention at rankfort on the 26th ebruary 1867 and that we will give the princi ples therein set forth and the candidates for State offices then and there nomiminated our most hearty support Resolved That we endorse and approve the course of Hon Randall our Representative in Congress Cook our Senator aris Anderson and Jackson Veach our Representatives in the Legislature from this dis trict Resolved That we will give the nominee of this Convention our undivided support at the coming August election Nominations being in order A Black nominated Robert Boyd of Laurel county Wm ish nominated Cook of Rock castle county Syler nominated Watkins of Whitley county Hon Randall representing the county of Josh Bell nominated aris? of coun ty at the request of Messrs Cook aris and Watkins their names were severally withdrawn and there being no other per sons in nomination ROBERT BOYD was declared unanimously nominated Mr Boyd being called upon? responded in a brief speech accepting the nomination After which the Con vention was addressed by Hon Randall and also by inley candidate for Attorney in said district On motion of aris the following resolution was adopted viz: Resolved That the proceedings of this Conven tion be furnished the rankfort Commonwealth Lexington Statesman and Danville Gazette with a request that they publish the same After which the Convention adjourned GILLIS Chairman Cook Syler etames It is understood that the British Govern ment will present to the Dominion of Cana da the three gunboats Cherub Huron and Britannia nowon the upper lakes enemy and for the same great end This all Union men all who cherish the best interests the present and future wellfare and prosperity of Kentucky and the ed eral Union for all time to come can do by uniting upon the State ticket headed by that gallant soldier Sidney Barnes Leave National questions for a time to their own solution and let us strike for our own most vital interests and for the disenthralment of our State from the ignominy of her present apparent position When danger hangs blackly over our own homes we can not af ford to give momentary consideration to any extraneous matter We must deal first with that which threatens us we must effectu ally throttle the proscriptive spirit manifest ed towards ourselves before we turn our at tention to any foreign purpose Our first duty as men and as citizens is plainly apparent We must hurl from pow er and from place that iconoclastic spirit which would deface the purest shrines of our devotion and dishonor the knightly days and dauntless men that have hallowed the name of Kentucky in the loyal records of the war Kentucky must never be shamed to her inmost soul by the presence in her Gubernatorial chair of a man whose history is a part of the history of disloyalty and re bellion Let us act like men The gods will never help him who will not help him self We need look to see no redeeming banners marching to deliver us We must deliver ourselves We must meet this momement in the same spirit in which it is waged We must tear the veil from the features of this Rebel Democracy and let the light of heaven blister the horrid deformity of the treason that it is We must carry conviction home to the hearts of the people We must show them how they have been beguiled We must hold up the records of these to their olear visions We must show them their garments spotted and stained with the venom marks of Treason and scorched and blackened with the fiery scars of Secession Let us meet these men as the enemies of Liberty and National aith and Credit and Perpetuity and ree Institutions should be met Let us make this an offensive rather than a defensive warfare Despite their slanderous press and traitorous prestige their armour is too weak their mail too open to attacking thrusts for them to withstand the logic which does not fear to tear open the past for the ear of the people and the loyalty which does not shun open contest and any and every opportunity of waging it this sign shall we Prof School We refer parents and guardianshaving youths to educate to the card of Prof School in this city As a competent Teacher Prof Sayre has no superior We have no doubt that the late elec tion for Congress in this State could be set aside in every district and probably in near ly every county for the flagrant refusal and neglect of the proper county officials to per form their plainly stated duties under the statutes regulating elections Another able Champion in the ield Our readears will notice in another column a list of appointments of times and places at which Col William the candidate of the Union party in this district for Con gress at the late election will address the people in behalf of the principles of the Union party of Kentucky We would urge the people to circulate information of these appointments and attend and hear Col Brown We can assure them that they will hear one of the ablest men in the State Es pecially should every Union mam in the vi cinity of the respective places of speaking go and hear Col Brown He speaks not to tickle the fancy but to the sense and judg ment of men Judas betrayed his master for thirty pieces of silver Louisville Courier The Courier Helm Stevenson Rodman Howard Smith Jeff Davis Buckner and their confederates in treason betrayed their country and attempted to destroy it that they might erect upon its ruins a mon archy the chief corner stone of which should be slavery to all but the privileged class gLThe Louisville Courier and other Reb el Democratic organs have much to say about confiscation But never a word do they say about the sequestration edicts of the Con federate States by which the lands and property of all loyal men within the insurrectionary limits were stripped from them and conveyed to the leading insur gents and the proceeds put into the treasury of their to aid them to over throw and destroy the Union Nor have they anything to say against the laws by which the debts of Southern men to Northern merchants and others were sequestered for the benefit of the insurgents Those laws were in aid of the treasonable ends for which the leading traitors were laboring and are regarded' by the Courier and its treason loving contemporaries as Constitutional! The Kentucky State Sunday School Asse UgySenator Ben! Wade made a foolish ciation This Association was organized in the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church Lou isville in October 1866 The following per sons were elected officers for the year: President Lithgow Esq Louis ville Vice Presidents Theodore Brown Esq of Jefferson county John Temple Esq of rankfort Logan Caldwell Esq of Boyle county and Prof Rust of Russell ville Secretary Rev Stevenson of rank fort Assistant Secretaries Wm Ernst Esq of Covington Rev John McCullagh of Hen derson and Jas A Dawson Esq of rank fort Treasurer Joseph Allen Esq of Lou isville A speech in Kansas a few weeks ago which the Rebel Democracy interpret to avow the agrarian principle that the property of the wealthy should be taken possession of and divided amongst the poor Of course Mr Wade said no such thing and meant no such thing But if he had he would only be occupying the platform the telegraph assigns to Charles Kimball the President of the Rebel Democratic State Convention of Maine who declared in his speech that the burden of taxation should be taken from the poor and placed upon the rich The says the sentiment was enthusiasticaly cheer ed In no sense is the position ascribed to Wade worse than that ascribed to Kimball and both are equally reprehensible The meeting of the Association will be held in the Walnut Street Baptist Church in the city of Louisville commencing at 7 on the 4th Tuesday in Octo ber 1807 The constitute the Com mittee onprogramme Rev Lorrimer Rev McKee Rev A Badger Levi Esq and Theodore Harris Esq all of Louisville Papers friendly to the Sunday School As sociation please copy A How prompt these revolutionists are to avail themselves of the opportunity of strik ing a blow at civil liberty Lou Courier Yes the Courier Preston Marshall Helm Buckner Howard Smith II Lyon and their confederate traitors were prompt to avail themselves of the opportunity in 1861 to strike many blows against civil liberty ailing in the field they are now conspir ing assassin like to do treacherously what they could not do openly The Atlantic New Era one of the leading papers in Georgia hoists General name for the Presidency believing he is the only man who can lead the nation out of its gloomy political night President Johnson having seen all the and been lionized to his con tent at Boston and vicinity left that city on the 26th instant for Connecticut on his re turn trip to Washington 5 An attempt has been made to get up a revolution in Rome by two hundred resolu tionists The attempt failed and forty of the party were arrested The object is avow ed to place the temporal affairs of Rome under the Government of Italy The United States District Court of the Southern District of New York decided a days since that wherever spirits are seized for violation of the law the owner must be pre pared to prove that the law has been complied with and the tax paid if he would save his whisky from forfeiture This is a decision of far reaching importance Santa Anna endeavored to get intoMexico by way of Vera Cruz but the American and British naval officers there prevented him and sent the ship he was on to sea It was then said that he had landed at Tampico and that a revolution had commenced there in his interest Now it is said he was taken to Sisal and probably murdered by Its Accomplished About a year ago before the Louisville Journal publicly went whoring after rebel gods and plowing with treasonable heifers it put several questions to the Courier The first was does the Courier want And was responded to as follows: In reply to the first question: does the Courier want wo would reply that the Courier wants to destroy the influence of the Louisville Courier This'avowal of the Courier as to what it wanted brought frofn the Journal this re You want to the influence of the Lou isville do you? We have heard that vipers sometimes want to the bosom that warmed them into life but we suppose the Courier had so little wit as to be willing to admit itself to be such a viper Journal How humiliating it must be to the Jour nal if there is still remaining a spark of self respect about the concern to know how completely and entirely the Courier has ac complished its boldly avowed desire! Alas! So completely has the Courier and its rebel seductive blandishments destroyed the influ ence of the Louisville Journal' that where even one year ago thousands whpre swayed by it there now is scarcely one to do it the slightest reverence Capt Samuel McKee has served no tice on John Young Esq of his inten tion to contest his right to a seat in Congress as Representative from the ninth district And Mr John Smith has notified Mr John Young Brown that he will contest his right to a seat as Representative from the second district We persume that the right of the other Rebel Democrats to seats will be thoroughly contested 1 Booth Diary mystery is cleared up by the testimony of a witness in the Sur ratt trial on the 25th instant This witness our dispatches state testified that he saw the diary on the day of death and that it was then precisely as it is now Base Ball On Wednesday June 26 a Match Game of Ball was played? between the Second Nine of the Capital Club of this city and the' Second Nine of the ayette Club of Lexington in the Jatter place the Capital making 70 scores and the ayette31 Only six innings were played: owing to the lateness of the time of calling the game or the rankfort Commonwealth Hall Hiram Lodge No 4 rankfort Ky St Day 24th June 1867 On motion of Past Grand Master Swigert it was unanimously Resolved That a Committee be appointed tr tender the thanks of the Brotherhood to Bro (Rev) II A Hendorson for the chaste able and elo quent address with which he favored them this evening and to request a copy of the same for publication Also the prayer offered by Bro Jer main Bros Swigert Tfabue Gov Thos Bramlette and Walter ranklin were appointed said Committee On motion of Bro Jno Major discre tionary powers were given the Committee as to the number of copies style of printing of the Address On motion of Bro Conery it was also unanimously Jtoolved That a Committee be appointed to re turn the thanks of the Lodge to the officers mem bers and choir of the Presbyterian Church for the courtesies extended us on this occasion Bros A Connery Swigert Jr and A McClure were appointed said Committee The city papers were requested to publish these proceedings KEENON Jas A Dawson Secretary COURT APPEALS rankfort June 24 1867 CAUSES DECIDED Commonwealth vs Bracken Marion affirmed Judge and Justices Hickman County Court vs Moore Hickman reversed Bowen vs Sebree et ux ranklin reversed ORDERS McWiliams vs eehheimer Madison Robinson vs Miller Garrard by agreement of par ties causes set forbearing Tuesday after sec ond Monday in October Meriwether vs arrar Campbell dismissal agreed Pierce vs Cobb Christy Co Campbell Williamson vs Jones Campbell Bickley et al vs Hayman Campbell Beall 4 Rachford vs Huff Campbell Boulware vs Arnold Henry Mullins vs Roberts Kenton Leathers vs Com Ins Co Kenton Morin vs Hayman Trustee Campbell Clephane vs Bennett Campbell submitted on briefs Willis et al vs Woodward Campbell argued by Thos Lindsey Esq for appellee and Hawkins Esq for appellant and cause submitted Taylor vs Taylor Madison Richardson vs Tipton et al Madison Lockridge vs Larimore Madison Bates vs Buchanan Madison Shearer vs Harris Madison Burke vs Wilder Madison Smith vs Parks Madison Larimore vs Jones et al Madison Rhodus vs Ogg Madison Webb vs Wright Madison submitted by agree ment of parties Day vs Billingsley Todd affidavit filed and time extended until 10th July to file petition for re hearing Brown Lemon vs Wells Daviess petition for re hearing filed Sheanvs letcher Hardin Shean vs SStnalns Co Hardin affidavits filed motion to set aside order non suit Berry vs Snyder Campbell by agreement of par ties set for rehearing on 4th July 1867 Selman et al vs heirs et al Campbell Best vs Cochran Garrard Cecil vs Welch Garrard vs Davis Garrard by agreement of parties set for hearing on the 2d Monday in October 1867 June 25 1867 CAUSES DECIDED Clephane vs Bennett Campbell affirmed Boulware vs Arnold Henry affirmed Morin vs Hayman Campbell affirmed Lanmore vs Jones Madison affirmed Lockridge vs Lanmore Madison affirmed Beall Rachford vs Huff Campbell affirmed Bates vs Buchanan Madison affirmed Shearer vs Harris Madison reversed Burke vs Wilder Madison affirmed ORDERS Carney et al vs Lindsey et al Campbell argued by Thos Lindsey Esq for appellees and laid over for further argument Duhme Co vs Young et al Harrison by agree ment of parties causes postponed rill after re cess Brown Lemon vs Wells Daviess response de livered and petition for rehearing overruled Strode vs Strode Campbell motion to continue cause Ward vs Lyons Louisville Chancery copy final order and supersedeas bond filed rule against appellant to file record on or before the 1st day of next term of this court Collier vs Varner et al Pendleton order non suit against appellants Whitaker et al vs Dean et al Carroll motion to correct order heretofore entered dismissing ap peal Capper vs Wheeler Pendleton continued until next term of this court Gruelle et al vs Simon Co Pendleton executor et al vs Whitaker et al Harrison Curie et al vs Brent Co Harrison Cook vs Gray Harrison rank Shellman vs Keith et al Harrison Ross vs Campbell Ballard Edrington vs Bracken Ballard Watts et al vs Cook et al McCracken et al vs hr's et al Gallatin Johnson vs Roberts Kenton Brannon A Jones vs Byland Kenton Scott vs executors et al Kenton administrator vs Ernst et al Kenton Quinn vs Celeman et al Kenton submitted on briefs telegram from New Orleans states that Gen Stedeman of Ohio who by the grace of President Johnson holds the lucra tive post of Collector of Internal Revenue in the Congressional district of Louisiana em bracing New Orleans telegraphed to the President at Boston to return to Washington and at once remove Gen Sheridan Prob ably if Gen Steedman would attend to the duties of the office he was imported to New Orleans to fill he might have enough to occupy his whole time Does he desire to get back into the Army And does he want place It looks like it certain ly William Brown Esq Late Union candidate for Congress in the Seventh District will address the people in behalf of the Union State Ticket at the fol lowing times and places Versailles Monday July 1 at 2 Paris Saturday July 6 at 2 Carlisle Monday July 8 at 2 Lexington Tuesday July 9 at 8 July at 2 Keene Saturday uly 13 at 2 Nicholasville Monday July 15 at 2 Pkiquimine Thursday July 18 at 2 Harrodsburg Saturday July 20 at 2 Winchester Monday July 22 at 2 Richmond Tuesday July 23 at 2 Lancaster Wednesday July 24 at 2 Crab Orchard Thursday July 25 at 2 Stanford riday July 26 at 2 Danville Saturday July 27 at 2 Waynesburg Tuesday July 30 at 2 Somersef Wednesday July 31 at 2 London Thursday August 1 at 2 Mt Vernon riday August 2 at 2 Col Appointments Col Sidney Barnes the Union candi date for Governor will address the people at the following places on the days specified: Campton Wolfe county July 3 Jackson Breathitt county July 4 Hazzard Perry county July 6 Whitesburg Letcher county July 8 Piketon Pike county July 9 Prestonsburg loyd county July 10 Salyersville Magoffin county July 11 Paintsville Johnson county July 12 Louisia Lawrence county July 13 Cattletsburg Boyd county July 15 Grayson Carter county July 16 Greenupsburg Greenup county July 17 Vanceburg Lewis county July 18 Maysville Mason county July 19 lemingsburg leming county July 20 Mount Sterling Montgomery county July 22 Owingsville Bath county July 23 Morehead Rowan county July 24 West Liberty Morgan county July 25 Stanton Powell county July 27 Public Speaking George Thomas will speak at Mills Lewis county July 4th on ox leming county July 5th Carter county July 6th Grayson Carter county July 8th Buffalo urnace Greenup county July 9th schoolhouse Greenup county July 10th Liberty Greenup county July 11th New Hampshire urnace Greenup county July James Carter county July 13th Speaking at each point at one Proclamation by the Governor $200 REWARD Commoswealtd of Kentucky I Executive Department HEREAS IT HAS BEEN MADE KNOWN to me that WILLIAM BROCKMAN did on the 2d day of June in the county of Tod 1 stab! with intent to kill one Alexander Samuels who has since died from the effetts of the wound and is now a fugitive from justice going at large Now therefore I THOS BRAMLETTE Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky do hereby offer a reward of TWO HUNDRED DOL LARS for the apprehension of the said Wm Brackman and his delivery to the jailer of Todd county I TESTIMONY WHEREO I 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused( I to be affixed the seal of the Common wealth Done at rankfort this the 25th day of June A 1867 and in the 75th year of the Commonwealth THOS BRAMLETTE By the Governor Jno VanWinkle Secretary of State By Jas Page Assistant Secretary DESCRIPTION Wm Brockman is about 23 years old 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high blue eyes hair very short and thin smooth fase Ho carried off with him a bay mare 15J hands high star in forehead some white about three of her feet the property of Mansfield Sam uels June 28 1867 3m June 26 1867 CAUSES DECIDED Curie A razier vs Brent A Co Harrison re versed Taylor vs Taylor Madison reversed Webb vs Wright Madison affirmed rank A Sheffman vs Keith Harrison affirmed Cook vs Gray Harrison reversed Mattingly et ux vs Speak Nelson affirmed ORDERS Beazley vs Harris Garrard motion to correct judgment for costs Strode vs Strode Campbell bearing postponed until 40th day of term to enable the appellant to supply the diminution in the record Berry vs Snyder Campbell by agreement set for hearing on Tuesday after 1st Monday in Oeto her Jones vs heirs Greenup by agreement of parties cause set for hearing on 37th day of i term Dorch vs Thompson Greenup agreement of par ties filed Thurmond vs Black Crittenden cross appeal grant ed appellee Ashbrook et al vs et al Harrison Blaydes vs Madison Harrison Deposit Bank of Cynthiana vs et al Harrison by agreement of parties the last named three causes are postponed until after recess Kimbrough vs Cuson et al Harrison Sibley vs Armstrong Bracken Myall vs Wright Mason Mc Kreil vs Mason Temple Barker A Co vs Howe Mason Yewell vs Gaines Boone submitted on briefs Carney vs Lindsey Campbell argued by Harvey Myers Esq for appellant and cause submit ted! are much gratified to see that that able champion of Union principles George ML Thomas Esq has taken the stump and is devoting his time and superior talents to the advocacy of his principles the glory and safety and prosperity of the Union our fath ers bequeathed us and inseparable now and Museum Menagerie and Circus The advertisement in another column ad vises our readers that the Combina sensation of the day Mu seum Vau Menagerie and Dan Circus will give three Exhibitions i this city on Thursday the 4th July a Estray Notice ranklin County Set TAKEN UP AS A STRAY BY HERNY LYNN living in rankfort Kentucky one blackhorse about fifteen hands high has a star in the forehead left hind foot and right forefoot white heavy mane and tail supposed to be three years old and valued by the undersigned a Justice of the Peace for ranklin county at one hundred and twenty five dollars this 26th day of June 1867 GEO GWINN June 28 1867 3t School ENGLISH THE ANCIENT CLASSICS AND THE MATHEMATICS SOUTH RANKORT KY ILL BE IN SESSION OR ORTY weeks commencing on the 16th day of September next TUITION EE $100 IN ADVANCE A few boarders will be admitted in hisfamily June 28 1867 td HLTlUXTTTCJKY MILITARY INSTITUTE COL pTaLLEN ASSISTED BY AN ABLE ACULTY The course of study is that usual ly taught in the best Colleges with special at tention to Mathematics and Natural Sciences THE A0ADEMI0 YEAE BEGINS ON THE 4 1ST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBEE (this year September 2) continuing without inter mission forty (40) weeks jjSyCharge for Tuition and Boarding including Lights uel and Washing (currency) three hun dred and fifty dollars ($350) per Academic Year one half payable in advance and the remainder at the expiration of twenty (20) weeks Address the? Superintendent at armdalc 0 ranklin county Ky June 25 3m Sixteenth Senatorial District We are authorized to announce HICKMAN PELLY Esq as a candidate for the State Senate in the Sixteenth District composed of the counties of Adair Cumberland Clinton and Russell Mr Pelly is an unconditional Union man June 11 1867 te Special Notices Know Thy Destiny Madame Thornton the great English As trologist Clairvoyant and Psychometrician who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World has now located herself at Hudson Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight as to enable her to impart knowl edge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex While in a state of trance she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry and by the aid of an instrument of in tense power known as the Psychomotrope guar antees to produce a life like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant together with date of marriage position in life leading traits cf character to This is no humbug as thousands of testimonialscan assort She will send when de sired a certified certificate or written guarantee that the pieturc is what it purports to be By en closing a small lock of hair and stating place of birth age disposition and complexion and enclos ing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to' yourself you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail All communications sacredly confidential Address in confidence Madame Thornton 0 Box 223 Hud son March 22 1867 ly 1 1 Wonderful but True MADAME REMINGTON the world renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant while in a clairvoyant state delineates the very features of the person you are to marry and by the aid of an instrument of intense power known as the Psy chomotrope guarantees to produce a perfect and life like picture of ths future husband or wife of the applicant with date of marriage occupation leading traits of character Ac This is no impo sition as testimonials without number can assert By stating place of birth ago disposition color of eyes and hair and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself you will receive the picture by return mail together with desired information Address in confidence Madame Gertbudb Remington 0 Box 297 West Troy March 22 ly DC3 A Young Lady returning to her country home after a sojourn of a few months in the City was hardly recognized by her friends In place of a coarse rustic flushed face she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothnesss and in stead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen Upon inquiry as to tho cause of so great a change she plainly teld them that she used the Circassian Balm and considered it an in valuable acquisition to any toilet By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their per sonal appearance an hundred fold It is simple in its combination as Nature herself is simple yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from also healing cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion By its direct action on tho cuticle it draws from it all its impurities kindly healing the same and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be clear soft smooth and beau tiful Price $1 sent by Mail or Express on re ceipt of an order by CLARKE fc CO Chemists No 3 West ayette St Syracuse Tho only American Agents for the sale of the same March 22 ly ree to Everybody A Large 6 pp Circular giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes It teaches how the homely may become beauti ful tho despised respected and the forsaken loved No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their Address and receive a copy post paid by re turn mail Address Drawer 21 Troy March 22 6m HAIR DYE This splendid hair dye is the best in the world The only true and perfect Dye Harmless Reliable Instantaneous No disap pointment No ridiculous tints Natural Black or Brown Remedies the ill effects of Rud Dyes In vigorates the hair leaving it soft and beautiful The genuine is signed William A llatchelor Ail others are mere imitations and should be avoided Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers actory 81 Barclay Street New York BEWARE A COUNTEREIT Dec 11 lS66 ly MILLVILLE WOOLEN ACTORY THE UNDERSIGNED RETURN THANKS for past favors and solict from their old pat rons a continuance of their patronage They would say to them and the public generally that they are better prepared than ever before to render genral satisfaction and they invito every person having wool to manufacture or to exchange for goods or to sell for cash to give them a eall and examine their goods Persons at a distance will please send for a print ed circular of our prices RODMAN BROTHER are our agents in rankfort Ky where our goods will be sold whole sale at our actory prices Merchants wish ing to sell our goods would do well to send in their orders early Address Rodman Brother or Jos Gorbut A Son rankfurLJventucky JOS clORBUT SON June 7 1867 Cm (Yeoman copy w6m) McKNIGHT DEALER IN Carpets Oil Cloths Rugs CTJRTlIjSS Steamboat and House urnishing OOODS 114 South Side Main Between 3d and Itli Sts (Hite Old Stand) EOUISVIEEE KENTUCKY Aprils ly OR SALE TWELVE COTTAGES Being about to remove to louis ville I will sell the above Cottages which are located near the Penitentiary Apply to May 23 1867 tf JOHN.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.